WikipediaThe first free programmable computer was invented in 1936. It was very large and weighed 2 tons. -
ENIAC Invented
WikipWikipediadia. The ENIAC was the first digital computer and cost $500,000 The machine was the size of a small gym. -
UNIVAC 1 was made
Wikipediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNIVAC_I On June 14, 1951 UNIVAC 1 was accepted by the Census Bereau. It was the first comuter used for commercial purposes. -
First Computer Game
WikipediaThe First Computer Game was invented, it was called Spacewar. It was let out in mid-1962 -
Computer Mouse
WikipediaThe first computer mouse was used in 1964. It was named the mouse by the tail looking thing that came out the end. -
Texas Instrument
WikipediaTexas Intrument created its first hand held calculator. They sell them for $150.00 dollars. -
WikipediaThe Orginal internet came out. This was called the internet and was not as used as much at the WWW is now. -
First Floppy DIsk was Invented
WikipediaWiki. THe first floppy disk was invented. It's name refers to it bendyness. The disk was very flexable. -
First Microprocesssor
WikipediaIntel released the first mircoprocessor. It was used for intergrated circuit chip. -
IBM 5100 Computers
Wikipedia(Inventors) The International Business Machines created the 5100 computer. It was the first consumer computer. This computer was one of the first computer that could read a floppy disk. -
First personal computer
WikipediaIBM devolped the first basic personal computer. It was released in August of 1981. -
Microsoft vs. Apple
WikipediaThe rivarly between Microsoft and Apple rivarly got noticed. This friendly rivarly is becoming noticable during 1985. These two companies end of helping each other. -
Network Breaks 10,000
WikipediaNumber of network hosts breaks 10,000. This is a big accomplishment for computers -
Netscape Communications Corporation
WikipediaThe company is suppose to be worth 2 billion dollars. Now it is veyr sucseeful. -
iPhone 5
WikipediaThe newest iPone came out in 2013. It is the newest and most improved phone on the market according to most consummers.