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Technology Time Line!

  • 1901 The Radio was Invented

    1901 The Radio was Invented
    The reason why the radio is so impactful and important on society today is because It created an entertainment system where people can share business ideas and conversations to the public.
  • 1927 The Tv Was Invented

    1927 The Tv Was Invented
    The reason why the television is so impactful on society is because he created a new way to present theatre to the public. Movies, TV shows, another films were able to be seen in your own living room.
  • 1937 The Computer was Invented

    1937 The Computer was Invented
    Someone wanted to create a mobile TV that people can carry around and look information up. That is why the computer was created. It was a great source for people to look up information and educate themselves while also having some of the abilities of a television.
  • 1974 The Internet was Created

    1974 The Internet was Created
    The reason why the Internet was so impactful in society was because it allowed people to use this Internet anywhere they go. They no longer have to be sitting in their house to be able to use the computer.
  • 1976 The First Apple device was Created.

    1976 The First Apple device was Created.
    Apple products were a beneficial product in our society, it was kind of the kickstart to technology and mobile devices.