Technology Throughout the Years

  • USB Flash Drive

    USB Flash Drive
    The USB Flash drives were introduced in the year 2000, and were used for data storage and transferring files between different devices. Dov Morov is the creator of the USB device and is the founder of M-Systems, which is an Israeli tech company.
  • My-Space

    In the early 2000’s, My-Space, one of the most well-known social networking sites, launched. Founders Chris DeWolf and Tom Anderson added new features to the site such as games, music on a person's public profile, and even file storage. In 2005, My-Space gained over 100 million users, but with the rise of Facebook, My-Space ultimately lost its market share as well as value over time.
  • The "Cloud"

    The "Cloud"
    You hear the term “Cloud” a lot when it comes to devices such as phones and computers, but what is the cloud? The “Cloud” is what companies offered that were called computer utilities. These utilities included the company saving all of your storage on their computer and you could access it with a terminal. Nowadays cloud-based companies offer nearly any service or software as well as data storage.
  • Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone
    The famous Apple Iphone was released in June 2007. This phone was all the rage due to not only having facetime, and texting, but web browsers, apps, games and music. The touch-screen feature was extremely popular at the time, and the new features like the high-definition camera, GPS navigation system and weather reports made this phone the ultimate must-have and revolutionized the phones all over the world.
  • Mackbook Air

    Mackbook Air
    In 2008, the Macbook Air was introduced by Steve Jobs. The Macbook air was popular due to its lightweight/ thin feel, but also the long-lasting battery, and cost about $1,000. This more portable laptop was most popular with students and in the workplace due to its easy portability and long lasting battery life which on average lasts up to 14 hours making it the longest lasting laptop. Macbooks are still one of the most popular computers on the market.