Technology Through the Ages

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    They were invented in China shortly after the invention of black powder. They were like flamethrowers at first and then evolved when other people and countries had them.
  • Trains

    The first full-scale steam locomotive was built in the United Kingdom by Richard Trevithick. It has also changed the way we travel in the world today. Anywhere we can put train tracks we could go and transport supplies too.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone. It made it to where we could speak to each from great distances quickly and effectively. The telephone obviously has evolved over time into the mobile phones we use today.
  • Automobile

    The first inventor of the automobile was Karl Benz. If he wouldn't have inventor this amazing vehicle we would probably be riding on horseys and carriages.
  • Airplane

    The Wright Brothers invented the first successful airplane. It changed the way we travel today. We can fly anywhere we want to go or bring supplies in from a different country.
  • Earbuds

    They were first invented in 1910 by Nathaniel Baldwin to sell to the U.S navy so they could have waves and stuff from there morse code and radio signals.
  • Tanks

    Lancelot de Mole was the British inventor of the first tank. The tank changed warfare as they knew it back in WW1. They could transport troops safer than they were before. They also opened up a whole new field of strategy.
  • Rockets

    The first liquid-fueled rocket was invented by Robert Goddard. It has changed a ton of stuff today like we can use those rockets to send people to space and to different planets. We use them in warfare to blow stuff up and to kill people.
  • Computer

    General Konrad Zuse Invented the first programmable computer. It has changed our world in many ways as we can shop on the or the military can use them to hack enemy things or to communicate with each other.
  • Helicopters

    Igor Sikorsky was the designer and inventor of the worlds first practical helicopter. It changed everything for us today, we use them to travel places, to bring sick people from one hospital to another, we use them to transport troops into battle, and to chase bad guys if necessary.