
Technology Progrestion (1990 - 2000)

  • Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web.

    Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web.
    World Wide Web (www) has brought the Internet to everyone. Helps users to share information and communicate easily with each other. It also allows users to share work and the activities of friends through social networks, blogs, and youtube.
  • The original Pentium was released by Intel.

    The original Pentium was released by Intel.
    This first CPU helps promote the use of graphics and music on the PC.
  • Microsoft released Windows 95.

    Microsoft released Windows 95.
    Windows 95 introduced the use of the Start button, the taskbar in the Microsoft GUI interface. This is one of the first operating systems that can connect to the Internet, Wifi, and Bluetooth.
  • Sergey Brin and Larry Page develop the Google search engine at Stanford University.

    Sergey Brin and Larry Page develop the Google search engine at Stanford University.
    Google has brought a huge benefit to the whole world. Most Internet users use Google as their primary search engine. This is the most powerful and accurate search engine in the world today. This is an open library for everybody, an encyclopedia of information on every subject in the world.
  • The term Wifi became part of the computing language, users began to connect to the Internet wirelessly.

    The term Wifi became part of the computing language, users began to connect to the Internet wirelessly.
    WiFi was invented and first released to consumers in 1997. This led to the creation of IEEE802.11, which refers to a set of standards that define communication for wireless local area networks ( Wi-Fi). This sparked development in prototype devices (routers) to be IEEE802.11 compliant, and in 1999 WiFi was introduced for home use.