The 2010's: Technology's Leaps and Bounds

  • Ipad

    Created by Steve Jobs and produced by Apple. This was the first tablet that had practical use in the world, it was fast enough to handle most people's online workload. This invention lead to many other tablets being produced by other companies. Even in our current day in age, we see tablets being used everywhere, we see them when people take our orders at restaurants and even in cars such as a Teslas
  • Instagram

    Social media had already taken the world by storm with Facebook but many still needed something else to push towards the ever-evolving landscape of social media. Instagram was that push, it offered an easier way to post pictures of your day-to-day activities and also allowed you to communicate with others.
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    2010's technology innovations

  • Oculus VR

    Oculus VR
    This was the first player in the VR scene. In 2012, the oculus rift was more of a developer's kit rather than the household products they produce today but nonetheless, it still ushered in the massive VR market we have today.
  • USB C

    USB C
    This invention standardized I/O connections on most devices. It allowed for universal connection between devices that also adopted the same connector. This connection allowed for greater power and data delivery to devices that used it.
  • Airpods

    These earbuds brought wireless earbuds to the mainstream. They were the first massively adopted wireless earbuds. It offered a similar experience to wireless headphones at the fraction of the size and offered a massively more convenient and mobile option to traditional headphones.