Steam Engine
The steam engine is a machine that uses steam power to power machines. This impacted the world with speeding up travel and machines in factories. The inventor is Thomas Newcomen -
Fire Extinguisher
The inventor of the fire extinguisher is French C. Hopferr. This extinguishes fire with water, gas, foam and other materials. This impacted society with giving an easy way of extinguishing fires anywhere and it still holds ups to today. -
The inventor of the thermometer is Gabriel Fahrenheit. A thermometer measures temperature. Thermometers are still used today. -
Lightining Rod
Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning back in 1752. A lightning rod is a metal rod that conducts lightning back to the ground in a safe manner. The lightning rod helped society making people not afraid of storms being able to burn their house down. -
Flush Toilet
The amazing man that Alexander Cummings is he invented the flush toilet. The flush toilet flushed any human waste away into pipes using water. This revolutionized society to a great degree with having benefits like a clear sense of smell, no flies flying around your house, clearer lungs, and a saner sanity.