Technology Progression 1990s

  • Period: to

    Technology Progression

  • Internet available to general public

    Mosaic was released, it's not the first web browser but the first one to make internet easily accessible to common people if you could afford access.
  • Windows 95 Released

    Windows 95 was the gateway for the OS we use today in Windows operating systems. It allowed the home pc user a pathway to the internet.
  • OBD2 Mandated

    In 1996 the federal government made all automobile manufactures use a new diagnostic platform for all light duty vehicles sold in North America called OBDII (On Board Diagnostics 2). It allowed technicians to be able to use one type of scan tool to diagnose trouble codes.
  • Google

    Google was available in 1998 and it made it much easier for the user to find information on the internet.
  • Y2K

    Y2K was all everyone worried about in 1999 and no one knew if the computer networks were going to crash with the new year 2000. The American Red Cross gave out guidelines for the event. You were supposed to prepare as if it were going to be a severe winter storm with a 3-5 day duration. People stored extra food, water, bought portable radios, lots of flash lights, and batteries. On New Years Eve you were supposed to fill your bathtub up with extra water for emergency use.