Technology Progression (1930's)

  • Modern Analog Computer

    Modern Analog Computer
    Engineer Vannevar Bush
    A calculator with ability to solve different sets of equations that was made possible by a use of gears and cams that were driven by steel shafts in a complicated matter. Paved way for the development of a modern computer
  • Electron Microscope

    Electron Microscope
    Ernst Ruska (physicist) and Max Kroll (electrical engineer) created first electron microscope at a magnification of 400 power, they created this device at the university of Berlin. This device would later help immensely in scientific research and be aid to study samples and the magnification it abides by
  • Polaroid

    Edwin Land along with George W Wheelwright formed a laboratory in Cambridge which would later come to be the company Polaroid. They started by manufacturing polarizers, later led to photos and slowly progressed to film.
  • Xerox Photocopier

    Xerox Photocopier
    Chester F Carlson first pattens the idea for his device , it wasn't until 10 years later when a company picked up the idea, at this point the device had been refined and up to par for its time period. device used to photocopy documents
  • VS- 300 (helicopter)

    VS- 300 (helicopter)
    Igor Sikorsky invented the first helicopter to incorporate a single main rotor and tail rotor design. Came crucial to developing aircraft during upcoming wars.