first movie theater big tv was created
'Only about half a dozen people in the Los Angeles area owned a TV in 1933. But those handful of early adopting TV geeks were in for a special treat on March 10th of that year when the movie The Crooked Circle was broadcast in its entirety.' It was the first movie shown on a movie theater tv. It was good for people to go and see. It was not so good because there was to much of it. http://paleofuture.gizmodo.com/friday-fun-fact-the-first-movie-on-tv-was-in-theaters-509689891 -
first tv
Tuesday July 1st, 1941 -- A famous television history date. On that day, the FCC activated new non-experimental call letters for two stations in the United States, and permitted commercial advertising. It officially marks "DAY ONE" of television. Any broadcasting before that date was considered "experimental". It was a good thing because people could now watch tv. It was a not good thing because people used to much of it. http://www.tvhistory.tv/First%20Day%20of%20TV.htm -
first color picture tv
'In late 1953, the FCC adopted the compatible system, commonly referred to as the NTSC system. The first color television sets for this system were sold in 1954. They used a 15 inch screen. Later that year, 19 inch sets were made, and by 1955 all sets were made with a 21 inch picture tube.' It was good because people could have colored screens. It was not good because it was bolky. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blcolortelevision.htm
http://www.earlytelevision.org/color.html -
first flat screen tv
'The flat screen TV was co-invented by University of Illinois professors Donald Bitzer and Gene Slottow. The two men were assisted by graduate student Robert Wilson.
Type' It was a good thing because now they could hang on the walls and were more advanced. They were not so good because of the sound quality has gone down. http://www.av1-ch.com/why-is-the-sound-of-flat-panel-tvs-so-weak-and-what-can-be-done-about-it/
https://prezi.com/fyzhfj-1wnbg/flat-screen-tv/ -
First samsung tv
'Samsung has grown to become one of the world's leading electronics companies, specializing in digital appliances and media, semiconductors, memory, and system integration. ' It is good because they work better. They are not so good because people dont interact as much.
http://www.samsung.com/us/aboutsamsung/corporateprofile/history06.html -
First 40 inch tv
'Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. today announced that it will demonstrate the world's first 40-inch TFT-LCD panel for use in high-performance, wide-screen digital TVs at the Society of Information Display (SID) 2002 Conference, May 21-23 in Boston, Mass. This is the largest TFT-LCD panel ever produced. ' It was good because now the tvs were more big. http://www.creativemac.com/article/Samsung-Demos-Worlds-First-40-Inch-TFT-LCD-TV-Panel-10253 -
first apple tv
'Apple TV is a digital media player and a microconsole developed and sold by Apple Inc. It is a small network appliance and entertainment device that can receive digital data from a number of sources and stream it to a capable TV.'Its a good thing because they are more new and inproved but not good because now tv is all that some people do.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_TV -
most bought tvs in 2016
Three or the most bought tvs in 2016 were Vizo E-series E55-c1
and Hisense 40H4C Roku TV[40 inch]
and Samsung series 6 ultra HD 4k TV http://www.tomsguide.com/us/best-tvs,review-2224.html