1857 the First capable recording machine
The First device capable of recording sound signals was leon scott De Martiville 1857, But it was not capable of reproducing sounds -
Emile Berliner
Emile Berliner took the idea and improved it to a disc music player he call it Gramophone -
Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison 's tinfoil cylinder phonograph which made the first human recording in 1877 -
Edison Speaker Phonograph company
Edison made the Edison Speaker Phonograph company to produce recording and play back -
Emile Berliner talking machine company
Emile Berliner created the victor talking machine company -
Victor talking machine company
Victor talking machine company made the disc phonograph {The era of the seventy-eighth disc has began -
The Involvement of electricity recording revolutionized the recording industry -
In Columbia, in the 1940's, inventors made the company of Decca recording company -
Phillips home audio company
1963, Phillips home audio enthusiast made an eight-track system but other systems remained popular until the advance of digital recording records -
In 1988, the invention of the compact disc was made -
In 1992, The compact disc became more available -
In 1992, Apple released the first digital audio players or mp3 -
2001, first iPod
Apple released the first iPod, iPods now dominate the music marked