Technology over time

  • Aug 22, 1485

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    In 1485 Leonardo da Vinci he made the first real studies of
    flying in the 1480’s he had about 100 drawings of flight
    the plane he made in 1485 was called the The Ornithopter
    it was the flying machine. The modern day helicopter is based on this concept.
  • Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier

    Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier
    In 1783 Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier invented the first hot air balloon
    They used the smoke from a fire to blow hot air into a silk bag they made a colorful balloon
    were a sheep,rooster and a duck the passengers were Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier and Francois Laurent.
  • George Cayley

    George Cayley
    In 1799-1850’s-George Cayley he made the glider with tail . He changed the shape of the wings so that the air would flow over the wings correctly.He also recognized that there would be a need for power if the flight was to be in the air for a long time. He designed a tail for the gliders to help with the stability.
  • Otto Lilienthal

    Otto Lilienthal
    in 1891 Otto Lilienthal. He studied aerodynamics and worked to design a glider that would fly. He was the first person to design a glider that could fly a person and was able to fly long. After more than 2500 flights.he was killed when he lost control because of a sudden strong wind and crashed into the ground,
  • Samuel P. Langley.

    Samuel P. Langley.
    In 1891 Samuel P. Langley. He realized that power was needed to help man fly. He was also well known as the director of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC. His major contributions to flight involved attempts at adding a power plant to a glider.Langley received a $50,000 grant to build a full sized aerodrome. It was too heavy to fly and it crashed.
  • Octave Chanute

     Octave Chanute
    in 1894 Octave Chanute published Progress in Flying Machines in 1894. It gathered and analyzed all the technical knowledge that he could find about aviation accomplishments. It included all of the world's aviation pioneers. Chanute freely shared his knowledge about aviation with anyone who was interested and expected others to do the same, although he did encourage colleagues to patent their inventions.
  • Orville and Wilbur

    Orville and Wilbur
    Orville and Wilbur Wright and the First Airplane in 1900. Orville and Wilbur Wright were very deliberate in their quest for flight. First, they read about all the early developments of flight. They decided to make "a small contribution" to the study of flight control by twisting their wings in flight. Then they began to test their ideas with a kite. They learned about how the wind would help with the flight and how it could affect the surfaces once up in the air.