social media over the years

  • The first phone

    the firs basic phone was created by Antonio Meucci is 1894, but alexander grahm bell recieved patent for it in1876.
  • The first computer

    The first computer was invented in 1822 but not built til 1991by charles babbage, this and the phone are big parts of social media as they are the main source to get to social media today.
  • First use of "social media"

    six degrees was the first real social media app as it allowed other to make profile pics and interact with others this was the start to social media and communicating through it.
  • Myspace

    Myspace was one of the biggest uses of social media in 2003 and was a big platforms for teens to connect around the world.
  • The start of Facebook

    Facebook was invented by Mark zukerbuerg and after changing the name from The Facebook it became the biggest social media platform to this day
  • Facebook

    Face book is the most poppular form of social media, as it has over 3 million users and the next closest to that is youtube
  • The biggest social media platform

    Facebook is the most used social media platform in today's day and age as 37 percent of the entire worlds population is on Facebook
  • Youtube

    Steve Chen launched youtube on feburary 14th 2005 and now it is one of the biggest platforms in the world
  • Myspace peaks

    in 2005 myspace was at it's peak with users having 25 million and was the 5th most popular platform in the world
  • Twitter

    Twtitter started in 2006 and is a big platform for people to express there emotions and ideas through comments and is still going today
  • "Going Viral"

    Going viral on youtube was a big deal as around 1.7 million people logged in each month Youtube became a place where everyone went for entertainment or to hopefully " Go viral" and have a fan base. For example the "charlie bit me" video
  • Instagram

    Instagram first hit the web in 2010 by kevin systrome and is now one of the biggest social media platforms in the world
  • instagram numbers

    Instagram has become one of thre biggest social media platforms as it reaches about 1 million users each year
  • Twitch

    Twitch launched in 2011 and is for live streamers and now holds some of the biggest influencers in the world
  • Snap chat

    Snap chat is one of the biggest platforms when it comes to communicating with people around the world as it allows you to share pictures no matter teh distance
  • 1 billion

    in 2012, 8 years after mark came out with the platform facebook reached 1 billion viewers and took over instagram
  • vine influencers

    Influencers became a big deal especially with vine, and people started gathering a big following after creating content on vine
  • Vine

    The platform "vine" was a platform for 6 second videos that bring comedy and entertainment for people.
  • Black Lives Matter

    The back lives matter movement started to bring awarness towards the unfair treatment of blacks and took over the social media community
  • Selfies

    Selfies took over the world in 2014, and millions of people in the social media community shared all types of creative selfies
  • ASL Ice bucket challenge

    The Asl ice bucket challenge was a big challege where people poured a cold bucket of water on their heads to support cherity and it became a huge thing on social media world wide.
  • Tik Tok

    Tik tok hit the internet in 2016 and wasn't always popular but is now seen as one of the best social media platforms in the world.
  • The end of vine

    Vine discontinued in 2017 and was one of the most popular social media apps in the world
  • Tik tok influencers

    Tik tok influencers took the social media community by storm in 2019 with a lot of dances and songs that are now famous because of the app.
  • snap chat

    more than 800 million people used snap chat in the year of 2024, and its popularity has made it one of the biggest social media platforms in the world.