Charles Townshend Has the Idea of 4-field Crop Rotation
James Hargreaves Creates the Spinning Jenny
Richard Arkwright Builds a Spinning Frame to Spin Wool
James Watt Improves on the Steam Engine Vastly
Eli Whitney Patents the Cotton Gin
Alessandro Volta Creates the First Electric Battery
Joseph-Marie Jacquard Invents a New Way to Spin Wool in order to Weave in Intricat Patterns
George Stephenson Builds the First Locomotive and Inner City Railway Line to Use Locomotives
Samuel Morse Invents the Telegraph
Louis Daguerre Invents the First Camera
Henry Bessemer Finds a New, More Efiicient Way to Produce Stronger Steel Cheaply
Alexander Graham Bell Creates the First Telephone
Thomas Edison Invents the First Phonograph
Gottlieb Daimler Creates the First Internal Combustion Engine
Guglielmo Marconi Makes the First Effective form of Radio Communication