Technology of the 2000s

  • The first camera phone is realeased

    The first camera phone is realeased
    Softbank released the J-Phone J-SH04 in Japan. Soon after that, the flip phone version would be released. The camera had a maximum resolution of 0.11 megapixels a 256-color display.
  • The PlayStation 2 was released by Sony

    The PlayStation 2 was released by Sony
    The PlayStation 2 was a significant change for gaming consoles because it also allowed for DVDs to be played in it as well as games.
  • Blue-ray Optical Disc is created

    Blue-ray Optical Disc is created
    Blue-Ray stores high-definition video. It was the new development to follow the DVD
  • First Touch-Driven Computer Screen was invented

    First Touch-Driven Computer Screen was invented
    Jeff Han creates a touch screen computer monitor. It enabled users to manipulate photos using only their fingertips.
  • First Kindle was Invented

    First Kindle was Invented
    Amazon wasn't the first to release an electronic reading system. But the Kindle was the first to gain a major following with its' ability to have wireless access to content through This was the start of the switch from paper books being the most used to the majority of people using ebooks
  • Apple releases the first iPhone

    Apple releases the first iPhone
    The first technology to be a web browser, a music player, and a cellphone all in one device. A device that could also have other functions by downloading them as apps. This would be the start of the modern-day smartphone which has become a necessity to many people.