Technology of the 1980s

  • Walkman

    The walkman released in the US in 1980 was invented by Masaru Ibuka. He wanted to be able to listen to music on long flights. It came to other people in society's benefit as well and was a huge hit. This allowed people to listen to their favorite music in a portable, easy way.
  • Compact Disk (CD)

    Compact Disk (CD)
    Developed and created by James Russel in 1982, the compound disk also known as a (CD) allowed the public to upload and store things like playback audio, videos, and other forms of data. This portable storage medium was a very big hit commonly seen when purchasing a movie etc.
  • Camcorder

    Camcorder invented by Jerome Lemelson, was a great staple piece for technology in the 1980s, the camcorder was a portable machine that could capture video and sound. It was no longer necessary to develop film. In 1983 the first camcorder, the Betacam system, was released for professional use.
  • Windows Program

    Windows Program
    The Windows program invented by Microsoft/Bill Gates was a very big hit. Windows made computing accessible to the masses. This allowed people to run their personal computers also known as PCs.
  • Nintendo Game Boy

    Nintendo Game Boy
    Founded in April of 1989 by Gunpei Yoki. This handheld system with interchangeable games was a very big hit, giving people an easy way to entertain themselves and allowing them to transport it anywhere.