Technology K-12

  • Overhead projectors

    Overhead projectors
    This is an overhead projector that was used in my classes from K-7th grade
  • Library Computers

    Library Computers
    My teacher would take the class to the library for an hour once a week and would teach us how to type on a keyboard.
  • Smart Board

    Smart Board
    It wasn't until my 8th grade year in 2012 where I was introduced to the smart boards.
  • Camera Projector

    Camera Projector
    As technology continued to grow, in high school i was introduced to the camera projector for teachers. The camera would turn on and they would write on a paper that reflected on the screen for everyone to see.
  • Multimedia Projector

    Multimedia Projector
    Finally the multimedia projector was introduced which is still used in all my classrooms today. This is where you can hook up your lap top to the projector and it reflects on the screen for everyone to see. (Power point slides, articles, etc)