Technology Inventions of the 1990's

By xdkaren
  • PlayStation

    The PlayStation is one of the most played consoles of today. It was first released in Japan in December of 1994. Ken Kutaragi was a Sony manager of the hardware and engineering divisions when he invented the PlayStation. He, later on, became known as "The Father of the PlayStation" After having high demand, the PlayStation became the first console to ship over 100 million units.
  • Google

    The search engine is now the most used and it first came out in August of 1996. Larry Page and Sergey Brin launched on Standford University's network.
  • DVD

    DVDs are discs to play music or any audio. They came out in November 1996 in Japan but were available in the United States in March 1997. The DVDs were invented by two guys of the names of David Paul Gregg and James Russell.
  • Nintendo 64

    The Nintendo 64 is a video game console that was very popular in the late 1990's and early 2000's. It was invented by Hiroshi Yamauchi and it was launched on September 26, 1996.
  • MP3 Player

    The MP3 player was the device most used in the late 1990's and early 2000's for audio playing. This was very small and portable, thus allowing people to listen to music. The MP3 player was invented by Karlheinz Brandenburg and was launded in 1997.