Rise of cell phone use and cellular technology
Instant Messaging becomes popular
Instant messaging has comptely revolutionized the way we communicate. It is similar to email, except faster and more convenient. This has changed the way we communucate by setting the standards for quick and easy communication. (hmm snapchat seems to have a similar idea) -
9/11 Attacks are reported immediately through multimedia
This is significant because world events are immediately captured with social media when it is happening, it is our modern way to record history, even if it's with a shaky camera phone. Without social media things would have been a lot different. -
Satellite Radio is launched
iTunes online music store
As apple began to grow, there was a rapid demand for these "iPods". The way that we listen to music completely changed. Apple began selling these tracks too, making money for the artist, and iTunes. Instead of downloadig a pre-owned cd onto your multimedia device it became possible to obtain all sorts of different music, but at a cost. -
Google Library Project, Digitilization of Books
Presidential Debates on Youtube