Technology In NFL

  • Safety

    The safety equipment has had many improvements over time. In 1920 they introduced the soft leather helmets. In the 30’s they created hard leather helmets. In the 50’ and 60’s they created padding a and face masks. This is so when they get hit it won't impacted them or hurt them too much.
  • Skycam

    The skycam was first introduced in 1984. The skycam is a fancy name for the camera that floats on wires above the field. As we have more technology we started to go further with this and we started to use drones. We would use the drones to get different camera angles so we can see the game differently.
  • Helmet Audio

    Helmet Audio
    In 1956 the Cleveland browns put a radio inside a helmet but it didn't really kick off until 1994. They added this feature in so that coaches and players in the offensive and defensive team can communicate easier. Today every team has an audio radio in their helmet.
  • HDTV

    The very first high definition game was broadcasted in 1998. After this they decided to make more games in HD. By the year 2004 70 games were broadcasted in HD. The year 2008 was the year where all NFL games were broadcasted in HD. This didn't improve how the players played but it did improve the sport and it popularity as more people would want to watch it because it's in better quality.
  • Field Turf

    Field Turf
    Before 2002 games were played on normal grass and by the end of the first quarter the grass was always muddy and soupy which was a big mess. Then they came up with the idea of AstroTurf but it didn't help as it felt like they were playing on concrete. Then in 2002 they started using field turf which has improved the performance of players.
  • What's Next?

    What's Next?
    I think that there are still a lot of improvements ready to come into the game of NFL. People have already been exploring new ideas like microchips in balls and had cameras built into helmets. It's not just new invention but upgrading our old ones such as the wifi in the stadiums.