CDs/CD Players in Stores
Music started being stored on CDs (Compact Discs) and read by CD players. In 1983, these devices first appeared on store shelves.
Photo courtesy of www.shutterstock.com -
Cell Phones
Motorola's "the brick" hit store shelves, weighing in at 2 lbs. and priced at $3,995. Photo courtesy of www.technabob.com -
The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was introduced. Photo courtesy of www.emulationnation.com -
LCD Screens
LCD screens and smaller components started being used, and laptop computers gained popularity. Photo Courtesy of www.shutterstock.com -
The World-Wide Web
Interest in the World-Wide Web took off in 1994. Photo courtesy of www.depositphotos.com -
Energy Efficient Refrigerators
Refrigerators were made without using ozone-harming CFCs and became energy efficient. Photo courtesy of www.depositphotos.com -
Google Registered
Google.com, originally was google.stanford.edu, was registered as a domain name. Photo courtesy of wp.enciclomedios.com. -
Growing Popularity of Internet
Approximately, 30 million people in the US are browsing the Web.