A paramilitary self-defense organization, which participates in the armed conflict in Colombia, and one of the criminal groups that most victims leave in the country. Its main objective is to combat the FARC guerrillas in several regions of Colombia -
Pablo Escobar is murdered
Leader of the Medellín drug cartel Pablo Escobar is killed by Colombian security forces. Indiscriminate acts of violence continue. -
The zone of distension, zone of clearing of San Vicente of the Caguán or simply the Caguán, is an area granted by the government of the president Andrés Pastrana, to advance a peace process, ZONE THAT AT YOUR SIGHT YOU ARE CONVERTED IN THE NARCOTRAFICO ZONE -
Mito Shot
Operation Marquetalia is an attack perpetrated by the Fuerzas FARC, at 4:45 am, against the Colombian city of Mitú, capital of the department of Vaupés. Colombian justice accuses guerrilla commanders "Mono Jojoy", "Romagna", Alfonso Cano, "Iván Márquez", "Timochenco" and "Efraín Guzmán" as co-perpetrators of murder for terrorist purposes, aggravated extortion kidnapping, aggravated personal injury and rebellion. -
Pastrana launches controversial and unpopular Plan Colombia
With the help of the United States, to stop the flow of cocaine and heroin flying over the United States from the Mexican border and fight against drug trafficking and rebels who will benefit from trade. -
KIDNAPPY OF Íngrid Betancourt BY FARC
the FARC kidnapped the presidential candidate when she was moving between the city of Florence and the population of San Vicente del Caguán. -
The attack on the El Nogal club is a terrorist attack that consists of the explosion of a car bomb, in the facilities of the social club in Bogota, Colombia. The attack for which the FARC is held responsible. -
FARC Launches Resistance Plan
a final offensive to counter military activities and, in view of the presidential elections of 2006, undermine the public perception that has improved the security situation under the Uribe government. -
Dialogues of peace between the Santos government and the FARC
The talks or peace negotiations between the government of President Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC, also known as the peace process in Colombia, are the ongoing talks between the Government of Colombia (representing the state) and the guerrilla of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. -
Final peace agreement
The FARC announced they had reached a definitive peace agreement, which was ratified last Friday by the guerrillas after their last conference in arms, held in a remote area of southeastern Colombia. To be effective, the agreement that will be signed this Monday must be approved by the Colombian people on October 2 in a plebiscite.