Technology History Project

  • Unimate

    SourceThe first industrial robot was the Unimate that would take place of unpleasant work that people would have to do. Unimate was conceived in 1956 at a meeting between inventors George Devol and Joseph Engelberger, where they discussed the writings of science fiction.
  • Dendral

    SourceWas the first expert system or program.designed to execute the accumulated knowledge of subject experts.
  • The First internet- Arpanet

    The First internet- Arpanet
    sourceThe Arpanet was the first internet that connected computers and developed by the US military. The protcol TCP/IP was first developed to communicate and is still used today.
  • Shakey

    SourceShakey was introduced as the first mobile robot controlled by artificial intellence. It was produced by SRI International.
  • Wi-Fi

    source First, hawaiian islands had a connection with a wireless packet network called ALOHAnet- this was their first version of the protocol and later started evolving. After the evolution of ALOHAnet and ALOHA protocol, "Wifi" became the new name for wireless internet.
  • Apple 1

    Apple 1
    source Both, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak had an idea of selling the hand-built computer; this is apple's frist product.
  • First Laptop

    First Laptop
    sourceIn 1981, the Osborne 1 was the first laptop realeased to the public for $1795 and it weighed about 25 pounds. The 5 inch screen computer came without a battery and the lid of the the computer contained the keyboard. Ever since that, laptops have been evolving.
  • Windows 1.01

    Windows 1.01
    sourceDeveloped by Microsoft, a graphical personal computer operating environment was the first version of the Microsoft Windows line. Bill Gates had a successful start with Microsoft Windows which made a mark in history.
  • First Game Boy

    First Game Boy
    sourceNintendo realeased the first Game Boy in Japan and became a very popular handheld console all over the word; over 118 million units were sold worldwide.
  • Bluetooth

    [source]( Bluetooth is used to exchange data wirelessly from one devide to another over a short distance.
  • aiBO Dog Robot

    aiBO Dog Robot
    sourceaiBO- meaning "companion" in Japanese- is an artificial intelligence dog with real instincts and emotions. Every "dog" has its own personality and goes through every development stage like any other dog or human. Each one is sold for about $2500.

    source ASIMO- Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility- is a humanoid robot with human shaped body developed and designed by Honda. They were designed to do mobile assistance through areas where is needed for more help.
  • Micro Flying Robot

    Micro Flying Robot
    source MFR is the smallest and lightest robot helicopter developed by Seiko Epson. The purpose was to explore the possible use of micro robots and demonstrate its micro-mechatronics.
  • Roomba vacuum

    Roomba vacuum
    sourceIrobot released an automonous vacuum cleaner which can obtain doing its basic tasks. It detects dirt, sensors steep drops so it doesn't fall down the stairs, and changes directions.
  • BigDog

    source Created in 2005, BigDog has the stance of a 4 legged animal and stands 2.5 feet tall and 3 feet long, and 240 pounds. It's capable of going through many harsh conditions that even humans struggle with; it can carry up to 340 pounds, climb very steep inclines, run 4 mph and is controlled by an onboard computer.