Complex Number Calculator
computerhistoryAlso called the CNC was the first calculater The conference was held at Dartmouth College using a Teletype. -
computerhistoryThis was created by Konrad Zuse isolated from advances in technology surrounding him. The Z3 was destroyed by a bombing raid in Berlin but was later reconstructed and put in a museum. -
ENIAC Invented
WikipediaThe ENIAC was the first digital computer and cost almost $500,000. The machine was the size of a small gym and contained over 17,000 vacuum tubes. -
UNIVAC Computer
inventors.about.comFirst commercial computer by John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly. This computer was able to pick presidential winners. -
wikipediaSteve Russell, a computer programmer from MIT, invented the first computer game called Spacewar. The game has spaceships firing missils at eachother which sounds to me a lot like Galiga. -
CDC 6600
computerhistoryThis computer was designed by Seymour Cray with a processing speed three times faster than its competitor. This computer can perform up to 3 million instructions per second. -
Dynamic RAM Chip
inventors.about.comRandom Access Memory is the acronym for RAM which stores files on a computer. This Intel 1103 Computer Memory was faster and did not lose memory when turned off. -
computer historyFirst personal computer for $750. The company Kenbak Corp. took them off the market after selling only 40 machines. -
computerhistoryThe first work station with a built in mouse for the moniter. These were mostly given to universities as it was not for commercial profit. -
Commodore 64
computerhistoryThis computer sold for $595 with a 64KB of RAM. 2006 held the Guinness world record as the greatest selling single computer model. -
First home computer with GUI
imrl.usu.eduThe public started purchasing computers with a Graphical User Interface. This included actions as using a mouse to click and drag images into different files. -
HyperText Markup Language
computerhistory.orgTim Berners Lee was a researcher at CERN developed HTML which expanded the internet into the World Wide Web. He used specifications such as a URL for browsers. -
computerhistory Tandy Radio Shack's first desktop computer. They sold 10,000 units priced at $599.95. -
First Digital Television Broadcast in US
funtrivia.comAlexanderson shows the GE system and announces television broadcasting. They were first transmitted Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons to 3:30. -
First GPS Receiver
ion.orgReceiver for digital mapping put in a car. The information is collected from satellite imaging and man-made routes for your destination.