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The ENIAC was the first electronic general-purpose computer and was Turing-complete. It was used primarily to calculate artillery firing tables for the United States.
Invention of UNIVAC
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UNIVAC was the world's first commercially produced electronic digital computer. These were giant computers with thousands of tubes used for computing.
Invention of Fortran
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Fortran is a general-purpose programming language suited for numeric and scientific computation. During its time, it was a dominant programming language and was used for numeric predictions.
Invention of BASIC
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BASIC is a family of programming languages which emphasizes ease of use. It was invented at Dartmouth college in hopes of having students use computers more outside of math and science.
Invention of ARPANET
The U.S. Department of Defense made the first network for military purposes. The network was called the ARPANET and eventually became today's Internet.
Invention of the mouse
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The mouse was invented in the 1960's by Douglas Engelbart and Bill English and was patented in 1970. It was used as an indicator for display systems but was unsucessful at first.
Invention of HP-35
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The HP-35 is the world's first scientific pocket calculator made by Hewlett-Packard. It used Reverse Polish Notation and was available from 1972 to 1975.
Invention of ARCNET
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ARCNET was developed by John Murphy from Datapoint corporation. It was originally developed to connect groups from their terminals to floppy disk systems. Eventually, it was re-purposed as LAN.
The Atari 8-bit Family
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The Atari 8-bit family was manufactured by Atari from 1979 to 1992. They have similar designs and were the first home computer desgined with custom co-processor chips.
Invention of C++
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C++ is a general-purpose programming language. It was designed by Bjarne Stroustrup with emphasis on low-level memory manipulation.
Invention of the Macintosh
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Apple Inc. and Steve Jobs introduced the first Macintosh in 1984. It was the first marketed personal computer with a mouse and graphic user interface.
Invention of Python
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Python is a general-purpose, hihg-level programming language. It was made with emphasis on code readibility and uses fewer lines of codes than other languages.
Invention of the Bluetooth
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In 1994, engineers from Ericcson invented the Bluetooth to be able to send information via short distances. A group then formed, SIG, to handle what's classified as Bluetooth.
Invention of MySQL
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MySQL is the second most used open-source relational database management system. It is owned by Oracle Corporation and used for many web applications.
Invention of the USB
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The USB is a data storage device that has a flash memory and a special interface. They are typically lightweight and removable.