Technology History

  • ENIAC- The first computer

    ENIAC- The first computer
    the computer was designed mainly to calculate artillery firing table but also included a study of the feasibility of the thermonuclear weapon. The acronym stands for electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer.

  • Arpanet- first network

    Arpanet- first network
    The ARPANET was created by the US government by a group called DARPA. the acronym stands Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.
  • Pong- The First Arcade Game

    Pong- The First Arcade Game
    Pong is one of the first arcade games and is one of the most recognizable world wide. Pong is a table tennis game where do bars hit a ball back and forth until one of the bars misses the ball and then the opponent is rewarded a point.
  • Ethernet Cables

    Ethernet Cables
    Ethernet is used in local area networks other wise known as a LAN to support higher bit rate and longer link distances. As data travels along a Ethernet cable it is divided into frames and each frame contains a specific source and destination address.
  • Walkman

    The Walkman was used to listen to songs through cassettes from the 1970s all the way up to 2010. listeners were able to be lost in time as the walkman provided privatization and personalization which led to its success.
  • Osborne 1- first laptop computer

    Osborne 1- first laptop computer
    It was made by the Osborne computer coloration. there was no on board battery but it was still considered portable because you could pack it away and carry it by hand.
  • MS-DOS- The First Operating System

    MS-DOS- The First Operating System
    MS-DOS which stands for Microsoft disk operating system was the first operating system and was the most common operating system up until the 1990s. After Microsoft realized the amount of use the operating system had they quickly bought the rights 86-DOS.
  • First Macintosh computer

    First Macintosh computer
    The Macintosh created by apple was the companies first mass market personal computer and there first big hit. The Macintosh was the very pricey for its time but still was able dominate all of its opponents such as the Commodore 64 and the IBM personal computer.
  • MP3 player

    MP3 player
    The MP3 player is a device that can play digital audio files it is a type of portable media player. The Germans were the ones who started the MP3 technology but the first country to come out with the first mp3 player was South Korea from SaeHan information Systems.
  • Bluetooth- Wireless Technology Standard

    Bluetooth- Wireless Technology Standard
    Bluetooth is the technology standard for sharing data over distances between 10m up to 100M. Bluetooth is compatible with devices such as mobile phones, personal computers, and gaming consoles.
  • Xbox- The First Microsoft Gaming Console

    Xbox- The First Microsoft Gaming Console
    The Xbox was the first step of Microsoft's into the gaming console market. Just a little over 5 years later the con sole reached over 24 million purchases on May 10, 2006.
  • Go Pro

    Go Pro
    Go Pro Inc. was created to manufacture eponymous action cameras so consumers can video tape themselves when they bike ride, skydive, etc. The Go Pro company made revenue of 16.2 billion dollars in 2015 alone.
  • FaceBook- Social Networking

    FaceBook- Social Networking
    Facebook was made to be a social networking platform for college students at Harvard but quickly went worldwide with now over 1.7 billion users. Facebook has been one of the most profitable companies of all time with a revenue of 17 billion just last year it has also made its CEO mark Zuckerburg one of the richest men alive.
  • IBM Roadrunner- first petaflop

    IBM Roadrunner- first petaflop
    The fastest IBM Roadrunner is known for the first petaflop and is bigger than the Eniac made in 1946. the computer costs 100 million dollars and at peak performance could achieve 1.7 petaflops.
  • Lenovo Lavie Z- The Lightest

    Lenovo Lavie Z- The Lightest
    The lenovo lazie z is known for how light and small it is coming in it at 1.87 pounds. the laptop won the CES best of 2015 ( the consumer electronics show)
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