The "First mechanical computer"
Charles Babbage begins developing a machine called the "Difference Engine". The Differenc engine was able to solve several sets of numbers, After it solved, it would make hard copies of the results. https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&q=first%20mechanical%20computer&ei=JZXiV4LqCaWUjwSHtoOwCA&emsg=NCSR&noj=1 -
The processor
Baron Jons Jackob Berzelius discovers the element Silicon. Silicon is a Chemical used to make microchips in computers in past and modern times. http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/s/silicon.htm -
Z1 computer is Made
Invented by Konrad Zuse, the Z1 was built to mainly calculate math problems faster than humans could. It was a large step for mankind in technology. [google]https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&noj=1&q=Z1+computer&oq=Z1+computer&gs_l=serp.3..0l2j0i22i30k1l8.241276.246492.0.246886. -
The First Laser
In 1960, Physicist Theodore Maiman makes the first laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) or intense beam of light. http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/l/laser.htm -
The ARPANET was created during the cold war and was the first network to use the TCP/IP protocol. until 1992 it was the basic internet tool, until of course 1992 where it developed bigger.
[Wikipedia}https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARPANET -
Motorola DynaTAC prototype
Martin cooper made the first portable phone from handheld suscriber equipment. It wasnt unil 1983 the phone would be released to the public, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorola_DynaTAC -
The internet was born
With multiple networks up in different states, scientist wanted to link multiple networks into one. "Specification of internet transmission control program, From Vinten Cerf, Yogen Dalal, and Carl Sunshine first used the tern "internet" [wiki] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Internet -
The first GigaByte hard drive
In 1980, IBM introduced the first gigabyte hard drive, which weighed 500 Ib and was over $44,000.http://www.computerhope.com/history/hdd.htm -
Microsoft Windows
Bill gates announced Microsoft Windows to the public promising an easy to use graphic interface and mouse movements. Did not release until 1985. https://www.wired.com/2011/11/1110gates-microsoft-intros-windows-1/ -
The Macintosh was in development in 1979 by Steve Jobs and debuted in 1984, selling well over 50,000. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh -
Internet Explorer
Microsoft introduces the new Internet Explorer. A search engine capable of searching websites. http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/m/msie.htm -
Bluetooth is the short link radio that can link devices to computers or cars from afar and was introduced by Dr. Nils Rydbeck. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth -
MacBook pro
In 2006, apple introduced the macbook pro, the first inter based and dual core. http://www.livescience.com/20718-computer-history.html -
Iphone 1st gen
Iphone was a interactive touch screen device that you could take anywhere. It was released on June 29, 2007 making a smash success with good reception. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPhone_(1st_generation) -
Apple watch
The apple watch is developed by Apple as a smartwatch. It can include fitness tracking and health. https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&q=when%20did%20the%20apple%20watch%20come%20out&ei=9ALgV6yQBY-jjwT17aPoBg&emsg=NCSR&noj=1