technology history

  • first camera was made

    first camera was made
  • ray Tomlinson recieved the first email address

    ray Tomlinson recieved the first email address
  • first typewrtiter invented by Christopher Lathem Sholes

    first typewrtiter invented by Christopher Lathem Sholes
    [typwriter](http:// by Christopher Lathem Sholes
  • first phone invented

    first phone invented
  • Qwerty keyboard was patent

    Qwerty keyboard was patent
  • heapphones were invented

    heapphones were invented
  • colossus was used in world war II

    colossus was used in world war II
  • 680 square foot ENIAC was invented

    680 square foot ENIAC was invented
  • it took one year to build, the UNIVAC

    it took one year to build, the UNIVAC
  • UNIVAC predicted eisenhower would win in a landslide, and was right

    UNIVAC predicted eisenhower would win in a landslide, and was right
  • transistor was invented

    transistor was invented
  • Jack Kilby began research on intergrated circuit

    Jack Kilby began research on intergrated circuit
  • computer mouse was invented by Douglass Engelbart

    computer mouse was invented by Douglass Engelbart
  • the ARPANET was created

    the ARPANET was created
  • first computer virus was invented

    first computer virus was invented
  • steve Russel makes the famous game, space war

    steve Russel makes the famous game, space war
  • microsoft was created

    microsoft was created
  • steve wozniak and steve jobs make the first apple computer

    steve wozniak and steve jobs make the first apple computer
  • Apple 1 is made

    Apple 1 is made
  • Seymour Rubenstein and Rob Barnaby created the first commercially successful word processing software for a computer.

    Seymour Rubenstein and Rob Barnaby created the first commercially successful word processing software for a computer.
  • IBM 5100 was created

    IBM 5100 was created
  • obourn 1 was released and sold for $1795

    obourn 1 was released and sold for $1795
  • time magazine named the Apple1 the computer year

    time magazine named the Apple1 the computer year
  • scott falhman invented the sideways smily face

    scott falhman invented the sideways smily face
  • Tim burners-lee, united kingdom. introduced the world wide web

    Tim burners-lee, united kingdom. introduced the world wide web
  • first smartphone capable of receiving e-mail and accessing the Internet released

    first smartphone capable of receiving e-mail and accessing the Internet released
  • google was incorporated

    google was incorporated
  • first iphone released

    first iphone released
  • first ipad released

    first ipad released