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technology from sputnik up till today

  • sptunik reaches orbit

    sptunik reaches orbit
    the launch of sputnik in 1957 launched what is now called in retrospect as the space race, which helped push space exploreation and the technology to suppourt it to great new highs.
  • the compact cossette was invented by Phillips

    the compact cossette was invented by Phillips
    the compact cassette was a massively popular data medium that was massively helpfull in spreading music, computer files, videos, and programs in a small compact medium to the masses.
  • first words from the moon

    first words from the moon
    The words first words from the moon where sent from the moon via a Motorola radio transponder, that sent the famous words back to the earth to be spread across the world.
  • man landed on the moon

    man landed on the moon
    man finally left teh comfort of it's natural home to explore and to final set foot on a new world. the moon landing helped to inspire and push inventors and the populus and be inlarge the market for greater technological advancements.
  • First email was sent

    First email was sent
    the first email that was sent over the internet. this will start a better faster and much more efficent way of sending information between each other.
  • ethernet standard introduced

    ethernet standard introduced
    Ethernet today is teh leading standard of network connectivity. when it was created it had to compete with token rings and token bus standards and at the time and somewhat still superiour methods but with great marketing and a relitivly virgin mareket brought this standard to the king of the internet.
  • foundation of microsoft

    foundation of microsoft
    microsoft being the massive software and hardware manufacture that it is has single handedly changed the way that a majority of the world operates from our business to our everyday lives.
  • compact dics

    compact dics
    compacts discs where codeveloped by sony and phillips. This medium much like the cassette was very popular for music, video, coputer files, programs, and anything else that can be fit and formated onto it.
  • E0 takes it's first steps

    E0 takes it's first steps
    on of the early bi-pedal robots designated E0 takes it;s first steps and help reaserchers undderstand the fundimentals of bipedal motion. this informations help development from 1986 all the way up to 2007 with the lastest version of ASIMO
  • hubble space teloscope launched

    hubble space teloscope launched
    the huble space teloscope one of the greatest teloscopes biult by man. the hubble has sent us many pictures from the undistorted vastness of space each one helping humanity learn more about the planets, solar system, galixcy, and the universe we call home.
  • Period: to

    the great and mighty internet

    around this time period of the late 1990's the internet started to gain popularity and was starting to be widely used by the masses. and in just a few short years the internet became the biggest source of information in the world. the internet has alound humanity to spread our knowelege with each other to the far ends of the eath to beter our understanding of teh world around us and the things that we wish to bring into the world.
  • first multicore microprocessor

    first multicore microprocessor
    the Power4 micro processor at its time was blowing everything else away with amazing speed and processing power. the main advantage it had over other chips was the 4 central core to help distribute load across teh chip.
  • Blu-ray

    with computer adavceing and tha capabilities of the computers rapidly expanding the aging cd could no longer store the required information needed to run a single program, whatch a movie, or back up a system. a new format for storage was needed to help store this new bound of information. thus came blu-ray thus named for the blue laser used to read the disc. blu-ray today is pushing a storage capacity of up to 50gb per disc.