
  • Prelim

    In order to carry out our prelim we used a dvla camera.For our prelim we also used a hardrive in order to upload our software onto the mac computers.In order to edit pour prelim we used final cut pro this was our first time using it so we had to explore the software as we went along.
  • Bait Tutorial

    For the bait tuorial we used our macs in order to watch the video.We also used final cut pro in order put the scenes into order.
  • Breakfast club remake

    We used a camera in order to film our breakfast club remake.We also used final cut pro in order to edit pur remake of the breakfast club opening.We also used camtasia to demonstrate what we wasdoing.
  • AS blogging

    When carrying our teen film opening we uploaded our journey of it on the blog,we used our mobile phones in order to upload photos of when we were out filming.IT was handy that there is a blogger app which made it useful to blog on the go.We also used timetoast for our filming schedule in order to keep organised.Prezi, the internet and youtube were a big part of our blogging journey as we used prezi to present things like audience profiles ect.
  • Teen movie opening.

    For our teen film opening we used a dslr camera in order to film our opening.We also uploaded our work on to the mac computers.Which then allowed us to edit our film opening on final cut pro.
  • Lip sync tutorial

    we did a lip sync tutorial in order to get the hang of how it is to lip sync and understand what we have to do in order to carry it out successfully.We used cameras in order to film this and then uploaded it onto the macs in order to edit it on final cut pro.
  • A2 music video

    For our music video we used caeras to film it.we then uploaded our footage onto the macs using a harddrive that each group got given.We used the mac computers alot of the time whilst editing our music video on final cut pro.We also did alot of blogging whilst carrying out our planning and production of the music video.