Technology Decade 2000-2010

  • Playstation 2 (PS2) released

    Playstation 2 (PS2) released
    Playstation 2 is a gaming console that was created by Ken Kutaragi
  • MySpace

    MySpace was created by Tom Anderson to allow users to create web profiles, photographs, and express interest. It was closed down a few years later due to fierce competition.
  • Facebook is created

    Facebook is created
    Mark Zuckerberg, one of Facebook's well-known founders, created the social media platform in order to connect with other Harvard students. The app is now one of the most popular platforms on the planet.
  • Android

    Android was created by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White in order to create smarter mobile devices.
  • First Ipad introduced

    First Ipad introduced
    I'm sure we've all heard of Steve Jobs. He is the creator of Apple products, including the first Apple Ipad 1.