I listened to music on it. -
Very First Phone
I got my very first phone on my fourteenth birthday. I was a lime green Rumor. I would use it to text and call people. -
IPod Touch
I used my Ipod touch for listening to music and for playing games. -
Apple Nano Ipod
I got a Nano IPod to listen to music. It was an upgrade from my older IPod. -
For Christmas I got a laptop. I used it for social media, typing up papers, and for internet and game use. -
HTC EVO Android
On my EVO Android, I used it for texting, calling, social media, games, and internet. -
IPhone 4
I used my IPhone 4 to text, call, social media, internet, and to play games. -
I use the kindle to read books on. -
For Christmas last year, I got an IPad 3. I use it to play games, go on the internet, type, and for social media. -
Kindle Fire
It's my brother's kindle, but I still read books on it and play games on it.