
By rclueck
  • Period: to


  • Ipod (2001)

    Was released on October 23rd, 2001 and only had 5gb of storage. Creator was Steve Jobs.
  • BlackBerry (2003)

    Allowed for smartphones to receive emails, take pictures, and text all one one device. Creator was Mike Lazaridis and Doug Fregin.
  • Blue-Ray (2006)

    Created in 2006 and changed the way movies will forever been viewed and the quality of the picture in the movie.
  • Nintendo Wii (2006)

    Allow for children to begin the gaming experience and shaped the way video games were presented. Created by Satoru Iwata.
  • Iphone (2007)

    Steve Jobs created the first ever iPhone and was similar to the functions of a blackberry just enhanced all the accesibility of the software.