Career in technology feature

My Technology Use in School

  • Learning English Online

    Learning English Online
    When I came to the US I didn't know any English. I remember that in 1st grade during recess, I would stay in the classroom and learn English on a computer with the supervision of an adult. Besides this, I didn't use the computer for anything else this year.
  • Learning to Use Word!

    Learning to Use Word!
    In 4th grade, we started going to the computer lab to learn to use computers and write documents on Word. We also learned how to make posters with WordArt and I remember this being so much fun and the best part about going to the computer lab.
  • Using Mac Laptops!!

    Using Mac Laptops!!
    In 5th grade, as we were older and were more knowledgeable about the internet and how to use computers, we finally got to use Mac laptops! I remember I used to get so excited when I knew we would be using these and felt grown up. Though we only used them for research projects, it was still a lot of fun not having to sit in the computer lab with the computer plugged into the wall and being able to take pictures with my friends in class.
  • iMovie Projects

    iMovie Projects
    In 6th grade my history teacher really liked projects and encouraged us to make them digitally. I really liked this because it gave me the chance to work with whoever I wanted and allowed me to be creative. I made lots of iMovie projects this year and was able to add music that I liked, but probably wasn't appropriate...shoutout to Akon!
  • I made an infomercial...

    I made an infomercial...
    In 7th grade I made an infomercial about farmers and corn. I don't remember much about it but I believe we filmed this with a GoPro and couldn't edit it so we had to get it right the first time. Other than this, we didn't use computers or laptops any other time during the year in any class.
  • Essays, essays, and essays

    Essays, essays, and essays
    From 8th grade on, all I remember using a computer for was to write essays. I would do all my work on paper and teachers also said they didn't like using computers for anything. I also don't remember them having smart boards or anything like that.