Technology Biography Timeline

  • Hello, Internet!

    Hello, Internet!
    First memories of using a computer and accessing the Internet. I remember dial-up, AOL, and chatrooms.
    Picture from Wikimedia
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    In elementary school, we had a computer lab where we primarily played Oregon Trail. I recall also learning how to type. This was my first experience with using a computer at school.
    Picture from Pixabay
  • My First Cell Phone

    My First Cell Phone
    I think my first cell phone was a Nokia. I remember the dragon game. I wanted a RAZR so bad! I don't think texting was very popular at this point. I mostly used it for talking.
    Picture from Pixabay
  • My First Laptop

    My First Laptop
    I graduated high school and started college in 2002. Since I was away for college, I got my first laptop. I remember using it to get on MySpace and look up ringtones. I had no online classes, but used Word to write papers.
    Picture from Pixabay
  • MySpace

    MySpace was really popular around this time and I used it frequently to communicate with friends. It was my first introduction to social media.
    Picture from Wikipedia Commons
  • Learning Korean

    Learning Korean
    Technology played a huge role when I was at the Defense Language Institute learning Korean. Most of our homework was done online and everyone was issued an iPod with preloaded messages in Korean to supplement our homework. I also learned how to type in Korean!
    Picture from Pixabay
  • Skyping with Family

    Skyping with Family
    While living in South Korea, I used Skype a lot to keep in touch with family. Very thankful for this technology!
    Picture from Pixabay
  • My First Smart Phone

    My First Smart Phone
    I got my first iPhone and was introduced to the world of apps and having a mini computer with me at all times.
    Picture from Pixabay
  • Online Master's Program

    Online Master's Program
    My first introduction to online classes. My first master's program was almost entirely online. My instructors encouraged the use of the library's websites, which I became well-acquainted with. I enjoyed the online learning environment and being able to create my own schedule and work at my own pace.
    Picture from Pixabay
  • Online Dating for the Win!

    Online Dating for the Win!
    I met my husband via an online dating app. Without this technology, we would have never met!
    Picture from Pixabay
  • Canva

    I started using Canva to create content. It's still my go-to website for creating infographics, handouts, social media posts, etc.
    Picture from Pixabay
  • Masters #2, Fully Online

    Masters #2, Fully Online
    I began my second master's program, this time fully online.
    Picture from Pixabay
  • Marco Polo

    Marco Polo
    My family lives in a different state and the Marco Polo app has been great for keeping in touch! Check out this video to see how it works.
    Picture from Pixabay
  • Working from Home

    Working from Home
    I started a new job and am working entirely from home. I've never met my coworkers in-person! We use email, Zoom, Google Drive, and Google Hangouts to communicate and work on projects.
    Picture from Pixabay
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    I use Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat to interact with friends and family.
    Picture from Pixabay
  • Instructional Design Tools

    Instructional Design Tools
    I have recently begun to explore instructional design tools, such as Storyline. I've really enjoyed getting to know Storyline and find it fairly easy to work with. I've noticed there are a lot of options for ID tools. It's nice to have options for the tools you want to use, but it can get overwhelming when you're first introduced to everything.
    Picture from Pixabay