
By Drak91
  • The steam engine is invented.

    Thomas Newcomen invents the the first steam engine, to pump water out of mines.The effect this had upon the Industrial Revolution is that it created more jobs for people. It meant that factories could be located anywhere, and people did not have to use animals, wind and water for example to power up pump stations. It also allowed people to explore lands that they have never had access to. The steam engine also moved manufactured goods and people from place to place more quickly and efficiently.
  • The spinning jenny is invented

    The spinning jenny is invented
    James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny in England. This reduced the amount of work needed to produce yarn, so a worker could work on 8 or more spools at the same time. It held more than 1 ball of yarn, so it could make more yarn in less time. This made the textile industry more efficient, lowering the cost by allowing the workers to make yarn faster.
  • James Watt improves the steam engine

    James Watt improves the steam engine
    In Great Britain, James Watt invented an improved steam engine that actually worked in a convenient way, unlike the former steam engines. This allowed many manufacturing machinery to be powered, speeding up industrial productions. Steam engines were also used to power vehicles such as tractors and steam locomotives. The steam engine is one of the most important and revolutionary inventions for the industrial revolution.
  • Eli Whitney patents Cotten gin

    In America, Eli Whitney patented the first cotton gin, which separated cotton seeds from the fiber and greatly increased the efficiency of harvesting cotton. By the 1820s, cotton farming spread southward and allowed America to create its own cotton industry, adding to the rapidly growing domestic market.