World Wide Web
Tim Berners-Lee invents the world wide web which lets us communicate, play games, shop, and just get information on things we need to know.
history.com/news/who-invented-the-internet -
Linux OS
Early 1991, Linus Torvalds with the help of many others creates Linux operating system. This OS is an alternative to Macs and Windows PCs and "is open source software."
linuxtrainingacademy.com/what-is-linux -
Java Programming Language
James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton work together on a team and release the Java programming language in 1995. This language is being widely used today by many computers and people all over the world.
javatpoint.com/history-of-java -
The release of the DVDs in the late '90s became widely popular and took over the VHS tapes by storm! Movies were of better quality and you can fast forward and rewind without any hassle.
southtree.com/blogs/artifact/the-history-of-the-dvd -
ReplayTV and TiVo come out with a DVR in 1999 which lets the user digitally record live TV without the hassle of physical tapes. Now, people can go about their lives and watch their shows when the want.