History of Technology

  • Pong

    Pong was the first game that was available to play. It was a game like tennis where you would have to lines and move them to hit them to the other side.
  • Atari 2600

    Atari 2600
    The Atari 2600 is the first successful video game console. The initial price was $199. The Atari dropped out of the market in 1983 due to the newly released Nintendo Famicon.
  • Nintendo NES

    Nintendo NES
    The Nintendo NES was the first console to have removable disc cartridges. It also had the idea of including a gun with the set for game like duck hunt, but this idea dropped in later versions.
  • Duck Hunt

    Duck Hunt
    Duck hunt was a game played in the late 1980’s. It could only be played on the Nintendo NES as it was the only console with the gun which you needed to play the game but as the years went on Nintendo dropped this to make new ideas for their consoles.
  • Super Mario

    Super Mario
    Probably the longest continuing video game Super Mario nearly 20 games and also featuring in a few other such as Mario Sonic Olympics and Super Smash bros. First appearing in Donkey Kong in 1981 and now he is one of the most memorable fictional characters ever.
  • SEGA Genisis/CD

    SEGA Genisis/CD
    The SEGA Genesis ran on cartridges for its first two years and no one would by it as it showed nothing special until the SEGA CD came out which you could connect with your SEGA Genesis but use disc instead which was a huge step in consoles and in the space of 7 years all console were using discs.
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    The Nintendo 64 was a big step in video games as it introduced games still being carried on today such as Super Mario 64 and Sonic but these were the only two games available for a year but still highly successful.
  • Xbox 360

    Xbox 360
    The Xbox 360 was the first console to have wireless controllers. After Microsoft had huge success with the first Xbox they made the Xbox 360 and since November 2013 they have made the new Xbox One.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    After the Nintendo 64 success Nintendo made the Wii. The Wii is actually the only console available today to use a one handed controller. Made mainly for at least 2 players because in the name Wii there are two ‘I’s meaning 2 players and Wii also sound like ‘we’.
  • Xbox One

    Xbox One
    The latest game console made. The Xbox One was the follow up of the Xbox 360 but had a lot of new features that other console don’t have. It has voice control and you can even watch movies on