Technology theory project

By vanixli
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Babbage is most famous for his invention by inventing the first mechanical computer thus that being the Difference Engine.He sooner developed his designs on the Difference Engine to a more complex electronic design. This can all be found in his later more modern computer design for the Babbage's Analytical Engine that was never built.
    Babbage was never able to successfully complete many of his engineering invention design. One being the Analytical Engine.
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    Charles Babbage introduction

    Charles Babbage was a British polymath with the knowledge from being a mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer.
    Babbage is being regarded as the "Father of the computer"
    why is that?
    Is manly because of his research into machines being able to calculate.
  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace
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    Ada Lovelace introduction

    • Augusta Ada King, Countess (Byron original after name) of Lovelace born in London and laid to rest in London.
    • She was a British English Mathematician and writer.
    • Ada is most known for her work mechanical computer, the Analytical Engine with Charles Babbage.
    • Ada was the first to recognize that the computer could do more that just pure calculating.
    • By writing down the first algorithm intended to be carried out by machine she became recognized as one of the first computer programmers.
  • Charles Babbage contribution

    Charles Babbage contribution
    The Analytical Engine its something that have helped the future generations to developed better designs and further made the computer work, in a more efficient way.
  • Analytical Engine

    Analytical Engine
    Charles Babbage invention of the analytical Engine has most of the basic of a computer that we have in now the 21 century. The Analytical Engine marks the transition from mechanized arithmetic to fully-fledged general purpose computation. The Analytical Engine was programmed to be using punched cards. It was intended to use loops of punched cards to control a mechanical calculator.
  • Ada Lovelace contribution

    Ada Lovelace contribution
    Lovelace is considered the first computer programmer.
    She did not program on a real computer but wrote down notes for the analytical engine, that sadly never built. Ada realized that a computer could do so much like follow a series simple instructions,a program or to perform a complex calculation.
    By this Lovelace created the first computer program with her Analytical engine notes.
    With here detailed notes about programming she helped future generations on how to program.
  • Analytical Engine notes

    Analytical Engine notes
    The notes where about how the so called computer would be able to do so much more than just simple calculation or complex calculations. Ada writes out a diagram in her notes: the variable for data, working variable, variable for results.
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    William Shockly

    Shockley was an American physicist and inventor. In 1955 he founded the Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory in Silicon Valley and served as the director. In Bell Labs, he co-invented the transistor and was called "the most important invention of the 20th century" by the media and the scientific community. He and two other colleagues won the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics. He took the lead in guiding "Silicon Valley" to a new era of electronics industry. He has obtained more than 90 invention patents.
  • William Shockly

    William Shockly
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Alan Mathison Turing was born in 1912 june the 23th and died in 1954 june the 7th. Turing was a British mathematician and computer scientist. Turing is most famous for his invention of the "Turing machine"(the first basic computer) and the developed idea of artificial intelligence in 1950 that is still researched today. The Turing machine could calculate square rots and much more.His invention helped a great deal in ww2. As his invention could cipher out the codes the Germans sent to each other.
  • Kenneth E. Iverson

    Kenneth E. Iverson
    Iverson was a Canadian computer scientist and was born in December the 17th year 1920. He is now dead, he died the 19th of October 2004. The most important contribution he made is the development of the APL language. In 1979 he received the Turing Award for his contributions to mathematical expressions and programming language theory. APL is a programming language that is named after a book called " A Programming Language". Iverson developed this program in the year 1960.
  • Jack Kilby contribution

    Jack Kilby contribution
    So far, 3C products such as computers and mobile phones that are evolving in today's society are all derived from his inventions with Robert Noyce.
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    Jack Kilby introduction

    Is one of the two inventors of integrated circuits. In 1947, Kilby received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois, and a master's degree in electrical engineering from the University of Wisconsin in 1950. In 1958, the world's first integrated circuit was successfully developed. In 2000, Kilby was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for the invention of the integrated circuit.
  • Donald Knuth

    Donald Knuth
    Donald Knuth is an american computer scientist, mathematician, and professor emeritus at Stanford University. He won the ACM Turing Award in 1974, which is regarded as the Nobel Prize in computer science. Knuth has been considered the "Father of Algorithm Analysis." He is most famous for his contribution towards his study about algorithms and for inventing the TeX typesetting language.
  • Bob Kahn

    Bob Kahn
    Bob Kahn is an american electric engineer who together with Vint Cerf co invented the internet. What Kahn invented was the TCP protocol and what he co-invented with Vint Cerf was the IP protocol. These two protocols have become the most widely adopted data transfer protocols on the Internet. By inventing the internet we can now connect computers all around the world. With this connection we can communicate from anywhere with an internet connection. He gained a title as the father of internet.
  • integrated circuit (Jack Kilby)

    integrated circuit (Jack Kilby)
    The invention of the integrated circuit revolutionized the technology industry, laying the foundation for products like cell phones, computers and a variety of other household appliances. Furthermore, the widespread use of chips assisted in the spread of sophisticated computing technologies to all corners of the world.
  • Donald Knuth invention TeX

    Donald Knuth invention TeX
    Knuth was frustrated over the poor quality of typography that was proposed for an upcoming new volume of The Art of Computer Programming. SO he invented the TeX instead, the typesetting language TeX that still remains worldwide standard for technical publishing.