Technology from 1990s

  • Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop's first release. It was invented by Thomas and John Knoll. It grew into the most important photo editing tool ever. While it started out being mostly used by professional photographers, it is now used by many for photo editing, graphic design, animation, digital painting, and other uses.
  • Nokia 1101

    Nokia 1101
    The first mass produced cell phone. Paved the way for flip phones and eventually smart phones less than a decade later. Modern phones likely wouldn't be as advanced as they are not without it.
  • Sony PlayStation

    Sony PlayStation
    The first game console produced by Sony. It lead to the best selling series of gaming consoles ever. They also were the first game console series to use DVDs for games instead of cartridges, and eventually implemented movie and app capabilities.
  • DVD

    The DVD was invented to end a feud between VHS and Betamax when 5 computer companies declared they would only accept a single format. DVDs have been used ever since, and have been updated into new Blu-ray discs that are capable of even more storage capacity, allowing for higher resolution images.
  • First MP3 player

    First MP3 player
    MPMan F10 was released by SaeHan Information Systems.
    This was the first released MP3 player, which helped revolutionize how music was produced and shared. All modern smartphones are now made with MP3 playing capability.