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important events in the history of technology

  • Jan 1, 1200

    How it all started - why am I doing this presentation?

    How it all started - why am I doing this presentation?
    The agricultural revolution did so we could specialize ourselves. the transition from a farming society to a industrial society. In the last decades technology has grown up and the world has seen some great technological helpful fits. In this lecture im gonna talk about some people that had mad the world to a better place with their innovating ideas so we dont forget their effort and get motivated to do something similar. technology gave us longer healthier more secure.
  • Jan 2, 1440

    - Printing technology -Gutenberg's printing press

    - Printing technology -Gutenberg's printing press
    You may think that Gutenberg invented the first printing press, but thats not right he put together several earlier printing discoveries into a machine of his own design. he created movable types out of led and tin mix. they could be combined to print any book page over and over again. when the types were worn out it was easy to mould new ones this technique was efficient. This made many people have the opportunities to have a book and spread knowledge among the population.
  • Granville Woods - Railway network

    Granville  Woods - Railway network
    Granville woods. not as well known as the other I have mentioned but contributed to some technological inventions that defined the modern era. he made the lifestyle for many people easier. He was an African american electrician. He made the electric trains that were used in the cities as they caused less pollution than steam locomotives.
    • high speed over long distance .- invented the railroad networkrailroad braking, electric railroad systems, and telephony and telegraphy
  • Gugliemo Marconi and the radio

    Gugliemo Marconi and the radio
    Letters telegram and telephones were the ways you could communicate to each other and newspaper a way to reach out to many people but the radio would also be something beneficial for communicating. Thanks to the technical innovation, the vacuum tube, radio receivers becomes simpler to use than ever before. Radios is very important. during 1930s. The radio can be a chance for people do exceed in their career.
  • The radio

    During the 1930s when Adolf Hitler rose the power in Germany he did broadcast in the radio that were going to evoke feelings of nationlism. Radio is a much more portable medium than television and allows the listener to carry on listening while on the move . Radio provides listeners with music, a source of news and information, as well as opportunities for social exchange via interviews, chat-based. Marconi invented the radio by the knowledge of electromagnetic waves.
  • Bill Gates - The ultimate genius

    Bill Gates - The ultimate genius
    His goal with creating Microsoft was to make a computer onto everyone's desk. I believe that Microsoft changed the technological development with as it contributes to business opportunities, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services. Virus susceptibility. Bill and his friend Paul thought the computer was really expensive 40 dollar per hour and wanted to invent less expensive for everyone to afford.
  • microsoft

    14.7 Million Jobs Created Globally by Microsoft.
    Microsoft has been carbon neutral across the world since 2012 and commits to being carbon negative by 2030. Their goal is to promote sustainable development and low-carbon business practices globally through our sustainable business practices and cloud-enabled technologies to not harm the enviroment.
  • Apple - Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne

    Apple - Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne
    Apple is very important due to its high quality products, making people save money by buying their products and also because many people uses Apple contributes to job opportunities for million of people around the globe. Mining and Manufacturing iPhones Has the Most Impact on the Environment. Apple reports that 71% of its carbon emissions are generated by manufacturing and only 19% by use of products. but Apple uses recycled materials when producing their phones which is good.
  • World wide web

    World wide web
    information system where documents and other web resources are identified by uniform resource locators. It connected the world in a way that was not possible before and mad it much easier for human to get information globally , share and communicate. opportunities for interaction, marketing and jobs globally. The internet affect the environment badly of by carbon footprint of the internet and the systems supporting them account for about 3.7% of global greenhouse emissions.
  • Mark Zuckerberg

    Mark Zuckerberg
    only 19 years old when he created the massive social networking site Facebook. He dint use money when he created Facebook he said and that makes people know that you dont need money to do a technological devices you need scientific knowledge. He programmed it in his room and it didn't require any money. Facebook is important for marketing, communicating and sharing things online, journalism and just entertaining life. . facebook has Data privacy issues.
  • Facebook - The biggest social networking service

    Facebook - The biggest social networking service
    It cause antisocil behaviours.Addiction. According to a study at the University of Gothenburg, spending time on Facebook can become addictive. smartphone addiction craters imbalance in the brain whoch is not good for peoples health. facebook has hackers that steals other peoples accounts. But Facebook's operations are supported by 100% renewable energy and have reached net zero emissions.