
Technologies used

  • Final Cut Pro

    Final Cut Pro
    We used Final Cut Pro to edit our film and make any changes that we needed to make. The first time we used final cut pro in this whole project was during the planning stage. It was very useful as it helped me gain confidence in using it and intially helped me to develop me tecnical skills
  • Prezi

    I used prezi for a lot of my work as similarly to slideshare, i was most comfortable with using it. As well that, it kept my work as organised and structed as I wanted it to be.
  • photoshop

    This was one of the most effective media technology. This was because I found it the most challenging as I was unfamiliar with it in comparison to using prezi and slideshare. I used photoshop to edit my ancillary products; digipak and advert.
  • blogger

    Blogger was a crucial part of recording my planning, notes, research and feedback. It was a way of keeping organised in terms of how well I understood the task/project that was set. It also helped me gain a much better understanding on how to use it in a more complex way.
  • Flip camera

    Flip camera
    Throughout the planning and production stage of the project task, I have used a flp camera to record moslty feedback from the target audience. This was a useful way of recording crucial feedback which would help me int evaluation stage.
  • slideshare

    I used slideshare to record parts of my work. I was familiar with using slideshare hence it wasn't too much of a new development in terms of gaining new useful skills
  • twitter

    We used a twitter account to promote our music video and to gain recognition.