
By Jay V.
  • microwave

    Percy spencer was the inveter of microwave. it was actualy an acident how it was made. Percy didn't evey finsh grammar school
  • Moble phone

    Moble phone
    In 1974, AT&T invented the mobile phone it was a huge step in technologe for phone.
  • Juke box

    Juke box
    A Juke box is a semi-atoumated appartus that plays music. You put a coin in a slot and you pic a song and it plays it.
  • credit card

    credit card
    A credit card is a card that you can buy goods without having cash. Because the cash is on the card.
  • Glue

    Glue is made from tree sap and other sticke stuff
  • Mr. potato head

    Mr. potato head
    The first potato head actualy had a missing head.
  • black box

    black box
    David Warren was the creater and inventer of the flight data recorder also knows as the black box.
  • soler cell

    soler cell
    The soler cell takes the energy from the sun and turns it into power. It was created by Chaplin Fuler.
  • optic fiber

    optic fiber
    Fiber optic is a metal rod that carys energy through fiber rods.
  • luiquid paper

    luiquid paper
    liquid paper was actualy called a mistake. The invention of Bette Nesmith Graham.