Cotton Gin
The cotton gin was invented in 1793. With this invention, there were many positive and negative effects that took place. During the time period, slaves were used to get cotton out of the plants, but after the machine, many more slaves were imported to run the machine. This increased slavery in the south. Some positives are that the machine made it easier to pick cotton and store easily. Video- http://tinyurl.com/nrhqjm8
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/n4ayf8t -
Although the windmills were invented in 1854, they existed before the time period. They looked different and were smaller than what we see now. Through time to time, as humans needed more out of it, they altered its size to make it perfectly fit into their needs. They were used for grain grinding, clothes drying, and after pumping. They are now used to produce energy.
Video- http://tinyurl.com/oh3vgzy
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/oz7u6xy -
Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is the process of manually adding new DNA to an organism. The goal is to add one or more new traits that are not already found in that organism. Examples of genetically engineered (transgenic) organisms currently on the market include plants with resistance to some insects, plants that can tolerate herbicides, and crops with modified oil content.
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/onfw5wb -
The first Power Plant
During this time, The first hydroelectrical station began operating. It powered 250 lamps each equal to 50 watts. The generator operated at 110 volts and driven through gears and bealts by a water by a water wheel.
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/odzr3ro -
First Transportation
After the invention of the transportation, it became much easier to travel to places. This also helped the economy as people had to buy hem and buy other accessories like gas.
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/cwcpcv -
Invention of Telephone
The invention of telephone changed a lot of things. First, owning telephones were rare as they were big, and expensive. Now, they are very common in today's society and they are becoming closer and closer every year. Also, this invention lets people send messages faster, and talk to others whenever they wanted.
Video- http://tinyurl.com/ncuftq7
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/pethkz7 -
First Identification of Virus
1892 was the first time humans have ever identified virus. After this, the research helped other scientists distinguish different viruses and later on help find cures to viral infections and diseases.
Additional Link-http://tinyurl.com/7kql5fz -
Invention of Radio
The radio was invented in 1895. This was the first means of communication before the television. It helped spread news around the globe quicker and also brought entertainment with it. Now the radios have evolved and are found in cars, phones, and even televisions.
Video- http://tinyurl.com/nrhqjm8
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/pf9ga2y -
Invention of X-Ray
The X-Ray was invented in the same year as the radio was invented. The Xray helps to see the human body without cutting anything open, leading to finding problems faster and simpler. Negative effect the Xray has is that too much of it can cause diseases like cancer.
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/loyqkbf -
Unlike the inventions of the light bulb or the telephone, the Internet does not have one inventor. The Internet was developed for years by different people, and brought us to the stage we are in currently. The biggest invention was The World Wide Web which was invented in 1990 by Tim Bernes-lee. Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/k4l38dl -
Relativity and Quantum Theory
At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists believed they understood the fundamentals of nature. Many scientists worked in developing quantum mechanics, which altered the course of physics. Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/p7gfzvu -
The Geneva Protocol
The Geneva Protocol prohibited the use of biological and chemical weapons in war. The protocol was made and signed in Geneva from 4 May to 17 June 1925. It was then brought into effect on 8th February 1928. This protocol shows signs of technological revolution as it wouldn't have taken place if weapons of that sort were not created.
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/q86b9jr -
Discovery of Antibiotics
The penicillin, first true Antibiotic was discovered by Alexander Fleming. The antibiotic was invented by accident. It helped doctors prevent blood poisoning from cuts and scratches, which was a huge deal around that time. Now, bacteria have evolved with the antibiotics making scientists continue to find cures for diseases and bacterial infections
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/k4d9dfq -
The Green Revolution
The Green Revolution was a period when the productivity of global agriculture increased drastically as a result of new advances. During this time period, new chemical fertilizers and synthetic herbicides and pesticides were created. The chemical fertilizers made it possible to supply crops with extra nutrients and, therefore, increase yield. The newly developed synthetic herbicides and pesticides controlled weeds, deterred or kill insects, and preve
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/lq2p8yr -
Solar Panels
Russel Ohl, created the first solar cell in 1941.This invention spread and became popular in creating energy from the sun and not pollute the air. Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/n8w3k8o -
The Atomic Bomb
On August 2nd, 1939, Einstein sent President Roosevelt a letter that addressed that using Uranium, it could be possible to build an atomic bomb. After that, there was a project initiated called "The Manhatten Project". It's main purpose was to develop a working Atomic Bomb. Later the Bomb was used a a a threat to other countries and helped U.S.A retaliate.
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/nwz9hdm -
Soviet Union's Sputnik I
The Soviet Union Sputnik I was the first artificial satellite that was successfully placed in an orbit. It's success led way to the inventions of many other satellites for other purposes. In modern day, satellites are used to get cell phone reception in place to place, take pictures of space, detect outer objects in space, and many other things.
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/3b2wtl
Video- http://youtu.be/qvPzUAeWZZY -
First time Someone went to Space
Yuri Gagarin was the first human to go to space, in 1961. He was a soviet, and orbited the Earth once. This motivated more and more people to go to space which also made it easier for it to explore space and the different planets. Additional link- http://tinyurl.com/44gqad -
JFK's moon speech
After Soviet Union's Sputnik I, President John F. Kennedy predicted that an US astronaut will land on the moon within the next decade. This showed how the race to become the best was heating up.
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/lav8llu -
US astronauts to moon
Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on the moon, which he did on July 20 1969. He was flown in Apollo 11. Video-http://youtu.be/g25G1M4EXrQ
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/l7puksb -
Jumbo Jet Airlines
The first jumbo jet plane was the Boeing 747. The plane carried six million passenger within the next six months of its run date. It also did not have many safety concerns. Therefore it was a huge success and led to the invention of many other planes. Video- http://youtu.be/1jXmFSoVYqY
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/m65oseb -
USA and USSR agreed to work on bio weapons
The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) is a legally binding treaty that outlaws biological arms. After being discussed and negotiated in the United Nations' disarmament forum1 starting in 1969, the BWC opened for signature on April 10, 1972, and entered into force on March 26, 1975. It currently has 165 states-parties and 12 signatory states.
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/k6upxbz -
Invention of Microsoft
In 1975, Bill Gates found Microsoft with the help of his friend Paul Allen. These two then continued to develop technology and invent Office, and computers, which we use in our daily lives today. Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/65wrnml -
Invention of Apple
1st April, 1976 was when the first apple computer was invented. This invention further helped create the internet. Now, computers are not as significant because cell phones and ipads can do the same jobs as computer. Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/7c4rzem -
Start of Stem cell research, human cloning
In 1978 Haematopoietic stem cells are discovered in human cord blood. Stem cells itself were discovered before and were then researched on after. Scientists still study these cells to find cures and possible threats to the humans. Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/lxatqj5 -
3-D printer
3D printing is an additive technology in which objects are built up in a great many very thin layers. The first commercial 3D printer was based on a technique called stereolithography. This was invented by Charles Hull in 1984. Now 3-D printers are connected to computers and print 3-D objects of what has been designed in them. Video- http://youtu.be/RCWj-Db-K18
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/lq36rgb -
Challenger disaster
This was one of the most tragic events that happened. The shuttle challenger was a sign of development in NASA's exploration of space but the it turned out to be a disaster. 8 astronauts were killed in the explosion. Video- http://youtu.be/fSTrmJtHLFU
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/874kxub -
Religious sect kill people with sarin gas
Tokyo subway attack of 1995, coordinated multiple-point terrorist attack in Tokyo on March 20, 1995, in which the odourless, colourless, and highly toxic nerve gas sarin was released in the city’s subway system. The attack resulted in the deaths of 13 people, and some 5,500 others were injured. This is very significant as its one of the rare events where bio weapons were used.
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/7h4nqhg -
Anthrax letters used to kill citizens
Seven days after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, anonymous letters laced with deadly anthrax spores began arriving at media companies and congressional offices. Over the ensuing months, five people died from inhaling anthrax and 17 others were infected after exposure. This is significant as its one of the rare instances where bio-weapons were used to kill people. Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/maaxv8t -
Columbia Disaster
On Feb. 1, 2003, space shuttle Columbia broke up as it returned to Earth, killing the seven astronauts on board. NASA suspended space shuttle flights for more than two years as it investigated the disaster. Video- http://youtu.be/FJb1mDME6J4
Additional Link- http://tinyurl.com/mtxktoz