
technological advances

  • Water tubine

    Water tubine
    James Francis invents a water turbine now used in many of the world's hydropower plants.
  • First lamp

    First lamp
    Thomas Edison patents the modern incandescent electric lamp.
  • photographic film.

    photographic film.
    Charles Eastman invents plastic photographic film.
  • gasoline-engined car.

    gasoline-engined car.
    Karl Benz builds a gasoline-engined car.
  • First dishwasher

    First dishwasher
    Josephine Cochran invents the dishwasher
  • movie projectors

    movie projectors
    French brothers Joseph and Louis Lumiere invent movie projectors and open the first movie theater.
  • First TV

    First TV
    John Logie Baird develops mechanical television
  • First solar powered house

    First solar powered house
    Maria Telkes creates the first solar-powered house
  • computer mouse

    computer mouse
    Douglas Engelbart develops the computer mouse.
  • First handheld cellphone

    First handheld cellphone
    Martin Cooper develops the first handheld cellphone (mobile phone)