Technological advances

  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Worl Wide Web became available to the public. Today I use it for pretty much everything.
  • Widnows Media Player

    Windows media player, one of the first ways to listen to music via using MP3 muisc.
  • E-mail

    E-mails could now be sent using the internet,
  • First JPEG

    First JPEG
    The First JPEG was launched onto the internet. Now people could view pictures via the internet
  • Google

    Google, the websites of all websties was created. The noun that was turned into a verb.
  • itunes

    The first software for itunes was purchased on this date. Now we use itunes to purchase music, vidoes, movies, and television shows.
  • Facebook

    The website that now welcomes over 1.6 billion visits a week.
  • Twitter

    Twitter was released in 2006.
  • Tumblr

    Tumblr was launched on April 27, 2007 by David Karp. Now people use tumblr as a blog to express their veiws on life and everything along with it.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft Windows version 3.0 was a number-one hit almost from the first day it arrived however it's not that much of a surprise seeing as how we use it for documents of all kinds!