Technolgy inventions from 1999-2009

  • 1999 Bluetooth 1.0

    1999 Bluetooth 1.0
    a. 1999
    b. Bluetooth 1.0
    c. Invented by a Swedish telecommunications company called Ericsson.
    d. Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard. The purpose is to connect devices or gadgets wirelessly (without a cable attached).
    This changed the world because today in 2023 we use Bluetooth for a lot of things such as wireless headphones, and for smart watches. We can even connect our phones to our cars to allow us to play music and to allow hands free texting.
  • 2001 Xbox

    2001 Xbox
    a. 2001
    b. Xbox gaming console
    c. invented by Microsoft
    d. The Xbox was the first gaming console to be built like a PC. Because the Xbox had PC parts like a built-in hard drive it allowed the gaming console to function faster.
  • 2004 Nintendo DS

    2004 Nintendo DS
    b. Nintendo DS
    c. Produced by Nintendo (the idea came from the previous owner of Nintendo who is Hiroshi Yamauchi)
    d. The Nintendo DS was invented so we could have a handheld gaming system that would be portable. The DS would be the first handheld gaming system that had 2 screens, but one would be a touch screen and the other would be a screen that just contains images.
  • 2006 Google Docs was released

    2006 Google Docs was released
    a. 2006
    b. Google Docs came out
    c. offered by Google
    d. Google Docs is a free web-based word processor. This is where documents can be edited or stored as part of Google Docs.
  • 2007 1st Generation iPhone

    2007 1st Generation iPhone
    a. 2007
    b. The first iPhone was released
    c. Invented by Steve Jobs
    d. The iPhone was the first touch screen phone, which paved the way for all smartphones.
  • 2007 Amazon's Kindles

    2007 Amazon's Kindles
    a. 2007
    b. Amazon Kindles
    c. Invented by Amazon (owner of Amazon is Jeff Bezos)
    d. The Amazon Kindle was the most popular e-reader (electronic book). The purpose of the kindle was to allow us the ability to have a whole library at your fingertips without having to have the space for a whole library.