Difference Engine
Charles Babbage designed a Difference Engine for calculations, but it was never built. -
Analytical Machine
Charles Babbage designs the Analytical Machine. This follows instructions from punched-cards.
(First general purpose computer) -
Invention of the Telephone by Alexander Graham Bell
Hair Iron with two metal plates invented by Lady Jennifer Bell Schofield
Many ways to iron hair came before, but this was the first involving two metal plates similar to what we still use today. -
Handheld Hair Dryers were created in the 1920s
First Calculator, the ZI, was built in Germany by Konrad Zuse
First color TV broadcast
Alan M. Turing Publishes an article on Intelligent Machinery which launches artificial intelligence.
Period: to
Development of the Internet
First Compact CD Player created by James T. Russell
First Mobile Phone invented by Martin Cooper.
Apple Computer is founded and introduces the Apple II personal computer
Apple introduces the Macintosh computer
Gameboy first released in Japan
First Personal Audio System - Audio Highway's Listen Up Player
Yahoo! Messenger - Originally Launched Yahoo! Pager
Saehan Information Systems - "MPMan" developed
From South Korea -
MSN Messenger was launched on this year
First Ipod
Hit Clips were invented, first sold in McDonald's Happy Meals
MySpace was created
Facebook was launched
Google was publicly offered
Youtube was launched
Tumblr was created