Tech Use Presentation

  • GPS

    The Government first allowed usage of GPS in the year 2000. This invention was crucial to the developed ways of navigation in the 21st century. Invented by Ivan Getting, Roger Easton, and Bradford Parkinson, GPS has created the foundation for modern day travel and navigation.
  • Social Networking

    Facebook is considered to be the start of the Social Networking era. Invented by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook allowed users to create profiles and share photos, videos, and text messages to the public. It also allowed for communication between people and the ability to stay in contact with friends and family through social media.
  • Youtube

    Youtube was created in 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. Youtube allowed its users to upload videos onto the internet for thousands, soon to be millions to see. Youtube was a huge step forward for content creators and allowed many to even make a living out of making and uploading videos.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Invented by Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda, the Wii was a momentous invention for the Generation growing up in the early 21st century. It gave the customer the ability to buy different games and play them on the TV needing only an HDMI cable and a power source.
  • I-Phone

    The I Phone was invented in the Decade and was Invented by Steve Jobs of Apple. I would say this is one of the most influential inventions quite possibly of all time. It has done so much for the life of a average citizen and allows for so much more and faster communication.