Birth of Martin Cooper
Martin cooper is born -
Martin cooper+motorola
Martin Cooper joins and starts making things for motorola -
Advanced Research Projects Agency Creates own network.
"Minicomputer" Made
DEC unveils the PDP-8, the first commercially successful minicomputer -
First "Internet Synced Satilite"
First satilite sent to space that is linked with the WWW -
Connection to SRI
The successful Connection to SRI -
Cell Phone
Martin Cooper makes first public cell phone call. -
Motorola makes cell phone available for the public (16 oz.) -
Cellular payphone
Martin makes cellular payphone also know as the "jitterbug. -
World Wide Web-Created
Tim Created HTML and HTTP and is credied with creating the World Wide World. -
First antenna put on cell phone for long distance -
smart phone
First smart phone. -
Term "web 2.0" recognized
People were just starting to speak about the up and coming web 2.0 -
(Tech Innovations) photography
Digital photography revolutionized how people viewed the world out of their reach. -
(Tech Innovations) Barometer
Barometer used in science and is the kind that most weather services use today. -
(tech innovations) GPS
Gps was made in the year 2000 and is now commonly used and it was still made in my lifetime -
Government sees
The government strarts to realize the large scale of the "cloud computing" -
(tech innovations) Texting
Texting idea was founded by AT&T and Wasn't very popular by the older generation -
Amazon Mechanical Turk
Storage for any kinds of intelligence made -
(tech innovations) Social network
First social network with more than 1,000,000 user was created and people did not yet realize the effect it would have on peoples lives -
These operating systems are less for commercial use. They are still very benificial to the smaller buisnesses. -
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 -
Media Sites
Media sites such as facebook and twitter took off after web 2.0 was released -
(Tech Innovations) File Sharing
Different people have started creating different programs to help connect businesses and people to work togeather -
(Tech Innovations) Videos
Most video internet sites were created this year. Youtube just happened to be the on that became popular. -
(Tech Innovations) Google Goes public!
Google, The expansive search engine goes oupblic for the world for the first time. -
App Benifits
Purchase CD, DVD, or download software to install on computer -
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Publisher made -
The first Iphnoe is released -
Apple app store
Apple sets the woorld of applications in progress wtih their app store -
The apple (mac) computers start using the OSX platform/operating system -
Microsoft word
Word documents -
Spreadsheets -
(Tech Innovations) Windfarm
The idea of natural resource gathering struck home with the invention of the wind farm. Giant propellars that power a tubine and add power to the grid. -
As a derogative from apples OSX devices, this is iOS. The mobile version. -
Google Apps
Google launches the famous google apps -
Income/Profits were shown as oppertunity
revenue for cloud services was just over $58.6 billion -
Windows 7
Microsoft comes out with their operating system for computers -
Amazon updates
Amazon updates/modernized their data frame to redesign the original thoughts about cloud computing -
Chrome web store
Appy installed into a web browser originates from the chrome store. -
Amazon Launched Cloud
First commercial web service that you can rent computers to run your own applications. -
(Tech Innovations) Nintendo wii
The original game console Wii is introduced and makes hundreds of other companies want to make their own. -
(Tech Innovations) Smart phone
Apple, introducing the iphone, Finally starts the long wait for the smartphone frenzy. Now virtually every phone company has smart phones on shelves at all times. -
Google play
Android comes out with their version of apples app store -
Program installed in the operating system or a browser (chrome) that solves a problem, completes training, entertainment, productivity or performs a certain task. -
The google store launches the android operating system and it is mobile and desktop -
Windows moblie
Microsoft Mobile Operating System Installed on mobile devices made by many different manufacturers -
Microsoft Powerpoint
Microsoft Powerpoint made -
Microsoft email